skincare for melasma

Retinols To Treat Melasma

What are the benefits of using Retin A, Tretinoin, or Retinols to treat face Melasma?

Topical Retinol — is a natural vitamin A compound. Retinol works by revving up or speeding up the skin cell turnover. 

They make the outer layer of your skin grow faster than it usually would, removing the old skin with new skin in a short time.

Retinols exfoliate dark skin that produces dark melanin

When you have Melasma, it is important to exfoliate your skin’s outer layers – gently. You don’t want to over-exfoliate the skin, or you can make your Melasma worse.

The more gentle the Retinol, the better!

In sum, all that is needed is to shed the top layer of skin lightly.

Using Retinol to treat any pigment on your face is highly effective since it prevents dead skin cells from clumping on the skin.

Retinols allow new skin to develop, replacing the old skin with new skin

Some retinol creams contain antioxidants such as glutathione, bilberry extract, niacinamide, arbutin, grape seed extract, and melanin faders.

Others include lactic acid, glycolic acid, and kojic acids, in short, they have remarkable results in treating Melasma.

In reality, studies show that Retinol works well as a stubborn pigment eraser.

Plus if combined with other serums, Melasma fades faster.

retinol melasma
All in all, Retinol should only be used at night

Never use it during the day as it makes the skin extremely sensitive and can make Melasma darker.

You do not want Melasma to get irritated, or it will darken. Using a gentle Retinol is more efficient in fading brown spots.

Using a moisturizer over Retinol will buffer the product. Thus, adding a moisturizer over Retinol will provide anti-aging benefits to your skin.

Retinol turns over old skin, making skin more beautiful

The medical-grade Retinol products below are gentle for any skin type; they all are excellent at gently exfoliating the skin and brightening it while fading all brown spots.

retinol melasma

Obagi: Obagi 360 Retinol 1% fights the signs of Melasma and aging caused by the environment.

This product will promote a radiant and Melasma-free complexion.

Lighten Melasma with medical-grade Obagi 360

This retinol cream will gently accelerate skin cell turnover rate while removing pigment.

It has jojoba oil and shea butter for hydration.

Thus, promoting collagen and elasticity in your skin. In addition, Vitamin C and vitamin E will calm and neutralize free radical damage.

retinol melasma

ZO Skin Health: ZO Retinol will eat up Melasma. It will fade pigment, smooth skin texture, soften wrinkles, and eliminate acne.

This Retinol will significantly brighten skin.

It also protects from UVA, UVB, and HEV rays because of the radical protection antioxidants.

Your skin cells will turnover, subsequently creating “new” skin cells.

Distinctly different – Highly effective

The ZO product treats Melasma, sun damage, and any pigment on your face.

This Retinol is surprisingly strong. Therefore, it’s vital to buffer with moisture cream.

This Retinol is bio-engineered to absorb deep into the epidermis to target the different stages of Melasma.

This Retinol has a multi-action formulation to release encapsulated ingredients, plant-based antioxidants, and enzymes to swiftly clear Melasma.

The ZO retinol also has a unique formula to clarify and brighten your skin.

Another critical point about this Retinol is the fantastic benefits of preventing future damage.

This Retinol is available in 1% and .5%. It can be pretty intense. However, ZO Skin Health added hydration with barriers to replenish the skin, keeping skin soft and supple.

Key Ingredients:

  • High potency retinol and ascorbic acid-2 glucoside – Break up existing pigmentation and increase cell turnover to brighten and even skin tone rapidly.
  • Glutathione, soy isoflavones, and N-acetyl glucosamine – Prevent new age spots and uneven color
  • Stachys Officinalis – Helps block melanin production by blocking messengers triggering melanogenesis.
  • Vitamins C and E – Provide antioxidant properties

This is a pharmaceutical, medical-grade product that will undoubtedly fade your Melasma.

Both of these retinol creams are usually sold at Medical Spas or Dermatology offices for a much higher price. However, you will find them on Amazon for much less.

So start tonight and notice your skin transform in less than one week. Medical grade, affordable, and truly remarkable Retinols for Melasma.

Be your own kind of beautiful. Invest in your skin today!

ZO 1% Retinol

ZO .5% Retinol

Obagi 1% Retinol

Amazon Melasma Shop

More ZO Skin Health Skincare




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